Will we?

In the recent days , people all over the world have been standing up and applauding the police, the medical, delivery and even cleaning communities…
But what about these ones inside, the ones who are locked in with you?
Did we think of praising our parents, Trying to make ends meet even after their incomes have fizzled below their imagination ever could. Who worry about us day in and day out, many gripped with fear within, but showing us some solid strength. Trying to Instill in us unshakeable faith and hope, even if they aren’t sure themselves!
We have all given labels of “real heroes” to various people, even our own kids …
But, How many of us have thought of the SHE-ROES of our own homes? The mom , or the lady of the house? From cooking unlimited meals throughout the day, to cleaning the never finishing utensils, to catering to the demanding working from home husband’s whims and the schooling from home kids, trying to keep the house as germ free as possible , she is the one handling it with as much grace as possible. To top it all, she’s probably working from home too. All this without the legendary Househelp that are ruling the world of memes these days!
Forget the cheering or clapping, Are we saying a humble thankyou to her? Or acknowledging the fact that we have a meal on our plates? Or are we sulking that it’s not what we wanted?
The least we can do is to give her a smile everytime she looks at us. Ask her to sit down for the meal with us. Maybe give her a back rub at the end of the day.
Atleast, let her get away with her silly Saree , coffee or such other photo “challenges” on Social media , while she battles and wins the real ones at home with us!
“Can we” would be a good question to end this blog, but it’s more important to ask, “Will we” ?

2 thoughts on “Will we?

  1. Superb!!!! Yess….at times we take our near and dear ones granted . Infact we definitely take those annoying relatives, friends or even neighbours too for granted..,whose some or other quality we actually don’t like but they either like us or somewhat like us. Imagine life without these khatta mitha people.


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